Monday, 28 September 2015

documentary research and script.

Documentary research.

film- frozen

is the film an original idea, a remake, a sequal or an adaptation (or a combination)?  inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale 'the snow queen'
director- Chris buck and Jennifer lee.
which studio(s) are making the film?- walt disney animation.
budget- $150 million
which 'stars' signed up to be in the film? kristen bell anna, idena menzel as elsa and  Josh Gad as olaf.
 how was it filmed? CGI
problems it faced- because it was a cgi film, there where many time consuming tasks. for example, the team had to design 200 unique snowflakes. Another challenge that the studio had to face was to deliver shots of heavy and deep snow that both interacted believably with characters and had a realistic sticky quality.
was 3D added AFTER filming? yes.
marketing- posters in cinemas, TV adverts, trailers, online adverts, a song was released from the show by demi lovato before the release of the film.
special effects- the entire film was CGI so all effects that where needed where CGI to.
premier-  El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, on November 19th 2013.
rotten tomatoes rated it 7.7/10- 89%
the film took 5 years to make.


Frozen is a walt disney animation blockbuster film directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. it is based on Hans Christian Andersons's fairy tail 'the snow queen'. it was voted number 3 on the top grossing films in 2013 with $410million dollars and a budget of $150 million dollars. rotten tomatoes gave it a rating of 7.7/10 which is 89%. The film was made at the Disney studio headquarters in California, America and stared Idena Menzel as Elsa, who has also been in the disney film Hercules, Kristen bell as anna, who was a voice in astro boy and Josh Gad as olaf, who was a voive in ice age continental drift. the entire film is CGI which included all special effects. This was a problem because it makes it very time consuming. they had to design 200 unique snowflakes and try to deliver shots of heavy and deep snow that seemed realistic. the film was also made into 3D after it had been filmed. the film was marketed in the following ways; posters in the cinemas, TV adverts, trailers, online adverts, and a song was released from the film by demi lavoto before the film was released. The film itself took 5 years to get from just an idea to the premier at El capitan theatre in hollywood on the 19th of novemeber 2013. it has been said that frozen 2 will be released after 2018.

American Influence
1: It was made so cinematographers from around the world could go there to find out about all of Sony’s latest products and cameras that are used in the rising UK film industry. Pinewood has created lots of courses and classes to help up and coming filmographers to achieve success, these courses not only provide theory lessons but also have a lot of hands on experience with the newest top of the range Sony equipment available.
2: This could majorly benefit the British film industry because it teaches and inspires a lot of new students and adults to take part in film making. This also helps the British film industry because the better equipment the industry has and the better people know how to use them then the programmers will also get better.

3: This is the first open facility of its kind.

4: There were 17 films that were shot by the Sony CineAlta F65. This information was gathered from:

5: Blockbuster has lost a lot of sales due to VOD. being able to watch movies online for free rather then paying to rent.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

self representation.

I think that I belong in the 'Alt' group. this is because  listen to different music then the majority and dress with a different fashion. I listen to more hardcore and punk music.

Taylor Momsen is one celebrity figure that i would identify with. This is because I love her music and inspire from her style. I use pictures of her to get inspiration for outfits.

Andy Biersack is another musician that i like. The reason for this is because he and his band 'Back veil brides' make really inspirational music and his quote 'stand for what you believe in even if it means standing alone' is something that I live to.

Taylor Momsen.

Andy Biersack.

Friday, 18 September 2015

1. What % of global box office was the British film industry responsible for? 15%
2.In 2009? 6.7%
3. what might this change indicate about British films? the % of British film popularity is rising.
4. what films have been responsible for this change?the final harry potter films and the kings speech.
5.What % of the British film industry makes a profit? 7%
6.What % of Hollywood films makes a profit? 17%
7.How does the %  differ between 2 m and 10 m budget British films? 4% for lower costing films. 17% for 10 m+
8. what might we infer from this difference? the more money the film gets, is more likely to make bigger profits.
9.which age group makes up the largest % of UK cinema goers? 5-17 years old.
10.why do you think this might be? The younger age need adults to take them so the amount of of tickets sold doubles.
11. which type of film has seen an 18% drop in attendance? 3D films
12. which genre has seen the biggest fall? family films, with no action or horror.
13. what did Charles grant put this decline down to? them being too expensive.
14. who is Paul Greengrass? he is a British film director.
15. how did de describe the British film industry? a success story, showing how its transformed.
16. what did a BFI spokesperson say was the point of less profitable low budget British films? they are beneficial for the industry for other reasons such as skills and training development.
17. what was the budget for 'filth' and how much money did it take? £8m budget, £4m box office.  
18. what advantage did James McEvoy feel £100m films have over low budget films? they had too little of a budget to sell the film.
19. what is VOD? (videos on demand) e.g. Netflix
20. what % increase did VOD see last year? +50% 
21. what impact might VOD have on distributors and studios? it will impact the money but make it easier to access.
22. what impacts has this had on blockbuster and rental stores?  there not used as much anymore.
23. what was unique about Ben Wheatleys ' a field in England'? it was the first UK film to be released simultaneously.   
24. what does the director of the machine caradog James think is the toughest  part of the film making? 'the toughest thing is you make a good film but can you get it to reach an audience?' 
25. why have rules been relaxed on what makes a film British? to encourage growth in the UK film industry.
26. how has the use of visual effects in films been encouraged? more advanced technology became available. 
27. name 5 of these rules and link them to; the kings speech; kill list; the worlds end. dialog in english; British director; British cast ;Set in the UK; Based on British subject matter.
28. what rules has Chancellor George Osborne announced for British films? tax relief will increase from 20% to 25% on the first 20m of qualifying production expenditure.
29.What is the highest grossing film in UK box office history? Skyfall.
30. how much has it taken and how many screen was it shown on? £94.3 m and 587 screens.

Film production

Development - This is simply the process of 'finding' a story. Ideas for films come from a variety of sources, they can range from novels, real life events to computer game adaptations. Once you've got an idea you'll need someone to write a pitch for you which you take to a film producer in an attempt to get some funding to make your film. Even at this very early stage you need a very clear idea of who you're aiming you film at so you can include elements that will appeal to them.
Pre-production - Once you've got funding you establish your budget and can begin to get a film crew together, you can storyboard the script. You also need break the script down into individual scenes and identify all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects needed.
Production - This is simply the process of 'making' the film. Provided you've done your job properly in the pre-production stage making the film should be straight forward. 'Film' is very expensive and difficult to store so an increasing number of film makers are using digital cameras to save money.
Post-production - During this stage you take all the 'film' you've shot and give it to a film editor. They will then begin putting it together. Special effects will be added, a soundtrack will be added, any missing dialogue will be re-recorded and added resulting in a 'rough cut'. This will be shown to the director and a test audience who will offer feedback. Often this causes scenes to be filmed and added or removed.


Screenwriters research and develop story ideas and write screenplays.


Producers are responsible for all aspects of a film's production, putting together a creative and talented cast and crew, and turning story ideas into profitable films.

Casting director-

Casting Directors organise the casting (selecting) of Actors for all roles in a film.


Directors are the driving creative force in a film's production - visualising and defining the style and structure of the film, then bringing it to life.

Film finance-

A Financial Controller manages all aspects of the finances of a company or large film production.

Camera operator- 

Camera Operators prepare and operate the camera and all its equipment, working with the Director and Director of Photography.


Film Editors work closely with the Director to craft the finished film.

Production designer- 

Production Designers define and manage every visual aspect of a film.


The Marketing and Publicity Managers' main responsibility is to convince the public that this is a 'must-see' movie. Once Distributors have identified the target audiences and potential revenue, the marketing campaign should reach target audiences before and during film releases.


Programmers are responsible for choosing the right films for the right target audience.

Billy Ray- screenwriter

Nina Jacobson- producer

Debra Zane- casting director

Gary Ross- director

Joe D'Alessandro- camera operator.

Juliette Welfing- editor

Phillip Messina- production designer

Thursday, 17 September 2015


representation of the media.

Man 1: Doug Bihlmair- 

My thoughts:          
Poor; Homeless; Unhealthy; Scruffy; Jobless.

Doug Bihlmair works for Ralph Lauren. He has a unique fashion style and is very wealthy. In this picture he is stood outside one of the Ralph Lauren shops in London.

Man 2: Ralph Lauren-

My thoughts:
Wealthy; Polite; Happy; Married; Born into wealth.

Ralph Lauren is a very famous fashion designer. He also owns restaurants and bars all over the world. This is a picture of him in one of  his restaurants.  

Woman: Lynn Yeager-

My thoughts:
Wealthy; Posh; Friendly; Maybe a designer.

Lynn Yeager works for Vogue. She has a very unique fashion style and eccentric personal style, powdered face and dark, cupid's-bow lipstick as well as cutting her own hair.

Man 3: Ted Bundy-

My thoughts:
Business man; Important; Smart; Opinionated.

He is a serial Killer from the 70's. He was also a kidnapperrapist, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls

Man 4: Edward the 8th-

My thoughts:
Professor; Mannered; Intelegent.   

He was a style icon of his time. He was the duke of Windsor who left that title to marry his wife Wallis Simpson.

Man 5: River Phoenix-  

My thoughts:
Young; Rebellious; American; Cool; Actor.

He was the top actor until he died of a drug overdose. He was in 'stand by me' and 'my ow private Idaho'.

Sunday, 13 September 2015


favourite Albums:

1. Nickleback- dark horse. favourite tracks- gotta be somebody, just to get high.
2. Linkin park- minutes to midnight. favourite tracks- given up, shadow of the day.
3. Skindred- kill the power. favourite tracks- playing with the devil, worlds on fire
4. Twenty one pilots- Blurry face. favourite tracks- ride, judge.
5. The pretty reckless- going to hell. favourite songs- sweet things, fucked up world.

All 5 of these albums fall under the 'alternative' genre. they are all different sounds as it includes rock, reggae/rock and soft punk.

favourite TV series:

1. pretty little liars. 4 friends who try to investigate there friends death. while doing this they receive threatening texts from a mysterious person that names there self "A". through out the series the 4 girls and some of there friends try to find out who A is, getting themselves in to really dangerous situations.
2. gossip girl. about the lives of a group of teenage friends living on the upper east side. while an anonymous blogger posts reveling information about them causing lots of trouble.
3. Merlin. the story of "Arthur and the nights of Camelot". Merlin is Arthur's servant who is also a sorcerer. Merlin has to keep this secret to protect Arthur as it is his destiny.
4. breaking bad. about a science teacher that sells and cooks meth to make money for his family.
5. skins. the lives of reckless teenagers.

favourite anime's:

1. death note. about a boy who finds a book called the death note. when he touched the book a shinigami (god of the under world) appeared. he told the boy that if you write a name in the book, that person will die in 5 minutes. he sees this as an opportunity to kill criminals.
2. Tokyo mew mew. about a group of 5 girls who have special powers and defeat creatures.
3.blood lad. the son of a priest finds out he is actually a descendant of the devil.
4. sword art online. people that are trapped in a video game and can only get out by completing all 100 levels.
5.Adventure time. a boy and his dog that go on adventures and help people. while defeating his enemy the ice king.

favourite comedians:

1.Michael Mcintyre. his 'showtime' episode is my favorite. In it, he talks about real life situations that you can relate to and about his own experiences.  
2.Sarah Millican. Sarah Millican uses female humor that women can relate to,
3.Miranda Hart. Family humor, she acts very innocent and is awkward about certain situations.
4.Jeff Dunham. He is a ventriloquist. his jokes can come across very offensive so its for selective audiences.
5.Jack Whitehall.

favourite YouTubers:

1.Lukeisnotsexy. a very awkward human being. he talks about his past situations from when he was a youtuber.
2.Janoskians. this is a group of  5 boys who do mostly pranks. there pranks can be very extreme and leave you not knowing how to react to what you just watched.
3.Emma Blackery.  A female youtuber who also talks about her past experiences, she also makes funny skits.
4.Danisnotonfire. he does a lot of 'tags'. these are challenges that you ask your friends to do. such as the 'whats in my mouth' challenge'.
5.My digital escape. different youtubers formed together to make a joint channel. they have a different topic every week and they all make separate videos.