Friday, 18 December 2015

Who licensed Ex Machina in the UK and how much did it cost? Universal studios- $15million

Who licensed Ex Machina in the US and how much did it cost? A24
Was Ex Machina an example of vertical or horizontal integration? vertical integration
Who licensed Mad Max Fury Road in the UK and how much did it cost? Warner bros- $150 million
Who licensed Mad Max Fury Road in the US and how much did it cost? warner bros
Was Mad Max Fury Road an example of vertical or horizontal integration?
Who licensed Me And Earl And The Dying Girl in the UK and how much did it cost? FOX
Who licensed Me And Earl And The Dying Girl in the US and how much did it cost?
Was Me And Earl And The Dying Girl an example of vertical or horizontal integration?


What was the release date for Ex Machina in the UK? January 21st 2015

What was the release date for Ex Machina in the US? April 24th 2015
Which major films appear in its US release window? Avengers
What was the release date for Me And Earl And The Dying Girl in the UK? September 4th 2015
Which major films appear in its UK release window? Maze runner
What was the release date for Me And Earl And The Dying Girl in the US? June 12th 2015
Which major films appear in its US release window? 
What was the release date for Mad Max Fury Road in the UK? May 14th 2015
Which major films appear in its UK release window? 
What was the release date for Mad Max Fury Road in the US? May 15th 2015
Which major films appear in its US release window? 


How many screens was Ex Machina released on in the UK? 
How many screens was Ex Machina released on in the US? it started at 4 then increased to 2000
When did Ex Machina screen at the Phoenix Leicester?   
How long was its theatrical run in the UK?
How many screens was Me And Earl And The Dying Girl released on in the UK? 
How many screens was Me And Earl And The Dying Girl released on in the US? 
When did Me And Earl And The Dying Girl screen at the Phoenix Leicester? 
How long was its theatrical run in the UK?
 How many screens was Mad Max Fury Road released on in the UK?  546
How many screens was Mad Max Fury Road released on in the US? 50
When did Mad Max Fury Road screen at the Phoenix Leicester?  
How long was its theatrical run in the UK? 

Friday, 11 December 2015


  • A specialised film will typically have less then 10 prints.
  • Distribution is the third part of the film supply chain.
  • Distribution is often referred to as 'the invisible art', a process known to those only in the industry.
  • When discussing distribution, vertical integration means where the three stages (production, distribution and exhibition) are seen as one large process, under the control of the film company
  • Vertical integration isn't so common in the independent sector because producers tend to not have long term economic links with distributers, who likewise have no formal connections with exhibiters. 
  • The three stages involved in the independent sector are: licensing, marketing and logistics. 
  • Licensing is the process by which a distributer requires the legal rights to exploit a film.
  • The two levels of licensing are international distribution and local distribution
  • The advantages of being a major US studio are that they have their own distribution offices in all major territories. 
  • The three different types of rights that you can acquire at a local level are: Theatrical rights (showing the film in cinemas), Video rights (for video and dvd exploitation) and TV rights.
  • Royalties are taken from the profit that the film makes. Usually a local distributer will conventionally share profits equally with the producer for the theatrical leg, pay back higher royalties for broadcast rights, and lower for video/DVD.
  • The most effective way to increase interest in a film is to release a film in a theatrical way (in cinema) so that the film creates interest.
  • It takes two years after the opening in cinemas to come out on 'free to air TV' 
  • The two key questions surrounding the marketing of a film are; when? and how?
  • Films are typically released on a Friday
  • Before releasing a film on a Friday the distributer will look at a schedule of other film releases on that day.
  • A 'light week' in terms of distribution means that there won't be a load of films on at the same time, ensuring screen space and adequate review column inches in the press allocated to any new release.  
  • To position a film distinctively means to avoid releasing the film around the same time when a film with similar traits is to be released.
  • This has become increasingly difficult in the UK due to the release schedule featuring over 10 new releases each week.
  • P&A are Prints and Advertising.
  • P&A can range from £1,000 to over £1 million for a release of a film in the UK.
  • A mainstream film will have over 200 prints.
  • A key factor for developing a profile for a film is press response.
  • Awareness of a film can also be raised by advertising in magazines/news papers and cinema posters. 
  • It is risky to release a film in the UK because the print cost is very high.
  • Companies are looking towards viral marketing because it is the easiest and cheapest way of marketing.
  • The benefits of a talent visit is to get editorial coverage to support a release

In the pre digital film age what was a distributor responsible for?

  • The average cost of a 35mm print, including delivery to a cinema, is around £1,000. 
  • In a future print there are usually 5-6 reals
  • 35mm prints tend to get damaged because of the amount of times they are used in different projectors.
  • Prints are usually stored  at the UK's central print warehouse in West London. 
  • A theatrical release usually lasting up to 6 months. 
  • Digital distribution in the UK started towards the end of 2005.
  • Digital distribution is more cost effective. It is also less stressful to send films as computer files to cinemas across the UK.
  • China and Brazil where the first countries to adopt digital distribution.
  • 2005 the UK Film Council Digital Screen Network launched in the UK by Arts Alliance Media creating a chain of 250 2K digital cinema systems
Why has digital distribution radically altered the operating model of distributors?
  • Films are now available to pre order as the film is still in the cinemas.
  • A loss leader is a strategy where a product is sold at a price below its market cost to stimulate other sales of more profitable goods or services.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

what significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institution and audiences?

what significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institution and audiences?

computer- CGI, editing, distribution and marketing.


  • DVD- Bluray- free download
  • Netflix- stops illegal downloads
  • Mad max- improvement throughout the films
  • Ex machina- CGI/rotoscoping
  • youtube
  • socialmedia
  • viral marketing ^
View point- The continuing development. such as Imax, CGI, 2D and 3D.

instruction- what significance?

  • 2D and 3D, IMAX, flash, edge arm
  • how its filmed -proccess
  • marketing
  • distribution
  • editing- Ava body
  • crossmedia
  • synergy
  • screens
  • conversion- watching from phones, yt and social media.

The continuing development of digital camera media has had a great significance for media institution and audiences. It has made a huge change in marketing, distribution and the filming process.

Films such as mad max have come so far in terms of action and the graphics. The lastest mad max film -'fury road' was shot mainly using a flash camera. A flash camera can shoot the film and then to be turned into 2D, 3D and IMAX. This has resulted in wider audiences and will attract people who want the film in great quality, in 3D for extra effect or just 2D for those who just want to see the film, and all these can be shown in the same cinema at the same time. During this film they also used an edge arm- a camera attached to the side of a moving vehicle. This is a good development because we can now easily shoot moving vehicles. At the end of the film they shot it using a slow motion camera instead of doing it in the editing process. In the editing process of mad max they used CGI in some of the parts to make the background bigger and added in little details to the costume of the characters. In Alex Garland's Ex machina, rotoscoping was used to pencil in Avas body to make it robotic and see through, we would not have been able to do it for similar previous films such as 'AI' and '2001'.

Digital media has also impacted how we distribute films. We can now watch films on line legally through websites such as 'Netfilx'. Netfilx came about so people could watch the film with out going to the cinema and not downloading it illegally. It appeals to audiences because we can watch hundreds of films without having to pay and so to the cinema. We do have to pay to use these websites so it is still beneficial for the production companies but for us it is a lot cheaper and we get more from our money. We can as well put the films onto discs to sell in shops. The development of this went from video tapes to DVDs then finally to Blu ray. A blu ray is very similar to a DVD but it comes with extras such as downloading the film to your computer for free which is why more and more people are starting to but them. Another improvement we have on film is that through each generation of film the quality increases.

The biggest significance that digital media development has had is how we market films.  Because of conversion that we now have, such as social media and youtube, we can now uses a marketing process called viral marketing. This is when the film gets spoke about on the media pages and youtube adverts where everyone can see it. This costs the companies very little money and is the fastest and wider spread way of getting everyone talking about a film. Conversion also lets audiences watch films from our phones and computers getting even more views. However, mad max didn't rely on viral marketing, and more on other methods such as posters and adverts. Another marketing example is cross-media that is used to market Mad max. The company worked with a gaming company to produce a gamed about the film that was released just before the film.
In conclusion, the development of digital media has impacted greatly on the marketing, distribution and production process of the film. It has now got a faster way of marketing which saves them a lot of money- viral marketing and can work in cross-media to produce other popular products such as video games to attract people who they think will have an interest in the film. It has also made a great change to how we view films. Being able to watch films online attracts so many more audiences because it's cheaper and we can do it from home.
It has also made the filming processes a lot easier and quicker to do while the quality is really high.

Friday, 27 November 2015

mad max and ex machina essay

I believe that a media products success depends on marketing and distribution just as much as production practices. A USA film is a success if it is a blockbuster film and a British film is successful just based on making money and awards.

Ex Machina was influenced by previous films such as '2001', 'AI' and 'Blade runner'. The 'Sci-fi' genre is one that there isn't a big audience for, making it harder to get an audience. However, Ex machina had a good and interesting story line which contributed to the films success. The film was directed and written by Alex Garland who also directed '28 days later'.  The film challenged industrial practice and ignored the rules put into place by Mark Kermode. The film had no action throughout and we as an audience only saw very little action towards the end. The film starred 4 unknown actors which also means that it shouldn't have been successful for a British film. The actors where; Sonoya Mizurio, Alicia Vikander, Oscar Issac and Domhall Gleeson.
     Oscar Issac and Domhall Gleeson are unknown as of yet but both have roles in the upcoming star wars film. For all these reasons the film should not have been successful. However, this film is a success because of marketing and distribution. The form of marketing they used was viral marketing. This means that it was almost completely free and relied on the public to get the word out, saving a lot of money. They created a fake finder account for Ava (the AI in the film) that the people would talk to thinking it was a real person. They did this in Texas at a south by southwest festival. This was a good place to do it because it is full of well known people that other people would listen to. It links very well to the plot of the film being to prove that a 'robot' can have humanistic emotions.

Ex machina was worked on in synergy with DNA films, film 4 and universal studios. As universal studios distributed the film, it impacted greatly on the film being a success. The film was distributed in a pattern. It was originally shown in America on 4 screens on April 12th, then increased to 1200 screens by April 24th and lastly to 2000 screens. The reason for the great increase was due to Ex machina being 'piggy backed' by Avengers. So as the avengers dies out and people have seen it, they will want to see a similar film so when Ex machina was released it created a wider audience.
    The film as a $15 million budget, $21 million profit and made $36.9 million box office. It also won an award at the Garardmer film festival and was nominated for 2 others. This to me is a very successful British film.

All of the above things show us that sometimes plot is more important than action, more money doesn't make a better film and a film relies on marketing and distribution just as much as production practices.
Mad max was a US block buster film with a $374.7 million box office and $150 million budget. This is very successful production practice because it made almost 4 times as much as it needed to be a blockbuster ($100million). The film was both written and directed my George Miller. It starred very famous actors which is good production practice. the stars where; Nicholas Hoult, Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron. It has a lot of action in it and is continuous through out. Max max was in 2D and 3D and was filmed on a flash camera. These are all big contributors to the films success.

The film was marketed in these ways; TV adverts, posters and billboards. They also used cross-media to create a video game of the film. They spent a total of $7 million on TV adverts and a further $43.7 on Warner bros. The film was distributed on may 14th and was widely released onto 12000 screens. This adds to the success of the film but isn't as dependent on marketing and distribution as production practices.

Overall, i think that in some cases, mainly British films, marketing and distribution is just as important as production practices. Both of these films where rated 15 making it not a four quadrant film, loosing views. I believe that with Ex machina, it was only a success due to marketing and the plot of the film. With Mad max, it was because of all the action in it and the people that it starred, marketing had little contribution to the films success compared to the production practice.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

representation of ethnicity.


black- Thomas is a black character that comes to the UK from africa. He is very friendly which is a countertype to the normal sterotypes of black people being dangerous and very violent. we see him help his friends alot and he shows that he cares. he also stays out of any trouble.

asian- This is Anwar from skins. he is a sterotypical asian/indian. His family and him dress in the traditional outfits and they do their daily prayers.
he is also a countertype because he is really rebelious and his best friend is gay, which is seen as a sin within his religion.

white- Effy from skins is seen to be a loud anti-behaviourist teen. she goes out drinking and does drugs while sneeking around behind her parents back. This is a stereotype of a typical British white teen.

Pretty little liars.

chinese- Mona from PPL is a chinese character. as she was born in America she doesnt have any chinese elements to her.

Black- this character is a police man in this TV drama. this is a countertype of a black person because sterotypically black people are seen to be put into prison but in this case it is the other way around.

white- this a Ali who is a white character in PLL. she is very girly which can be seen as a stereotypical thing. she does have a rebellious side to her which goes against the 'christian' stereotype.

Vampire Dairies  
black- this is the only black character that has appeared in the show apart from one main character. there isn't much to say about him because he is very new to the show and is mute. he is one of the bad guys in the show which can be seen as a stereotype of all black people being thugs.

Chinese- Oscar is another new character to the show. so far we have seen him to be quite cleaver in his action. this related to the stereotype that all Chinese people are smart.

white- this is the main character from the show. he has a 'bad boy' representation which is opposite to the white stereotype being that they are good and christian.

Friday, 6 November 2015

100 facts about mad max

  1. most stunts in the film where done themselves, even with the older women.   
  2. the film was shot in sequence.
  3. Hugh Keays-Byrne has been in 2 of the mad max films.  
  4. Margaret Sixel had over 480 hours of film to edit, it look over 3 months to watch it all.
  5. vertigo is publishing a book about immortan Joe. 
  6. max and immortan Joe never directly met each other.
  7. The "crows" on stilts are the boys abandoned by the Vuvalini when the green place turned sour.
  8. the whole film consisted of 2700 individual shots.
  9. most of the scenery was added in after filming using visual effects.  
  10. 'fury road' was released 30 years after the last mad max film.
  11. Charlize Theron did actually shave her head for this film.
  12. Tom Hardy would act as his character of set to keep in character. this caused him and Charlize Theron to not get along.
  13. Over 80% of the effects seen in the film are real practical effects, stunts, make-up and sets. 
  14. Mel Gibson was going to have a role as a drifter in the film, but this never came to fruition.
  15. “Eye Trace” and “Crosshair Framing” where used to edit this film keeping the important visual information in the centre.
  16. The budget for this film is estimated to be between US$100 million and $150 million.
  17. the longest running mad max film.
  18. duplicated of actors where added in post production to make the crowd seem larger.
  19. George Miller was the producer and writer.
  20. there was over 2000 VSP shots used in this movie.
  21. The actors were living in the desert and were really isolated
  22.  The cat poles, at the beginning was unrealistic and made Miller afraid of using them as part of the movie.
  23. In response to the film, art book and comic book will be released. It will feature the main cast.
  24. The paracord bracelet that Max wears belongs to Tom Hardy himself
  25. This the 4th movie in the mad max series 
  26. This is the longest mad max film George Miller has created. 
  27.  Immortan Joe wears a face mask for medical purposes, which is functionally similar to the mask worn by Tom Hardy when he portrayed Bane in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). In both films, each character is defeated by the hero damaging or destroying the mask
  28.  The long range rifle used by Charlize Theron is a Russian SKS. Originally designed in 1945. Making its design 70 years old at the time of the films release.
  29. they had to stop filming due to the iraq war.
  30. cameras has to be water proof and dust proof.
  31. George Miller planned to shoot the film in 3D. Also, the production was about to start filming in the crew-free African nation of Namibia, not at the originally intended locations in Australia’s Outback.
  32. the film was delayed 3 times.
  33. the film first concluded on 17 December 2012.
  34.  re-shooting took part in November 2013
  35. the film was originally going to be filmed New South Wales, Australia for the desert location, however due to unexpected heavy rains caused wildflowers to grow in the desert.
  36. the crew spent 10 months in Namibia.
  37. Max drives his interceptor in Fury Road for only 30 seconds
  38. On April 3, 2015, Tom Hardy announced he would sign on for 3 more Mad Max films.
  39. Writer and feminist Eve Ensler (The Vagina Monologues) was consulted to enhance the portrayal of female characters.
  40. When Engine #1 of the War Rig breaks down during the final chase to The Citadel, the sound it makes is the same sound the Millennium Falcon makes when it breaks down in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980).
  41. In one of the scenes the War Rig has a collision with a black Mack tractor unit. The same style of Mack tractor unit was featured in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) to pull the fuel tanker trailer.
  42. At least four members of the cast have been involved in comic book films.
  43. Max's first and last lines revolve around him telling somebody what his name is. The first time he tells the audience in a voice over. The second time he tells Furiosa while giving her his blood.
  44.  At the final vehicle battle, one of the Immortan Joe's henchmen scares Furiosa, before attacking her, with the exact same hiss as the Toecutter in Mad Max (1979).
  45.  Actors were digitally duplicated in post production to expand the crowd scenes so in reality only a few actors were actually needed on set during filming.
  46. Supermodel Rosie Huntington-whitely says it was a tougher shoot than 2011’s Transformers: Dark Of The Moon. 
  47. Production Designer Colin Gibson was tasked with the solemn duty of creating 88 vehicles that would look at home in a wasteland occupied by a violently insane gang that loves to wear too much sunscreen.
  48. By using “Eye Trace” and “Crosshair Framing” techniques during the shooting, the editor could keep the important visual information in the film vital in the centre of the frame
  49. George Miller told cinematographer John Seale to keep the main actor centered in the screen so that the viewer's eye did not have to search the screen due to the film's fast editing style.
  50. Night scenes were filmed in bright daylight, deliberately overexposed, and colour-manipulated. In many shots, the sky was digitally replaced with more detailed or interesting skies.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Representation of disability.

This is a clip from breaking bad. The disables person in this is their son Flynn who has cerebral palsy. In the clip you see him try on a pair of trousers while he is being mocked by people behind him.


  • we can see a lot of clothing behind him which tells us that he is in a shop.
  • all the posters in the back ground are of able body people which gives the indication that people with disabilities are the minor population.
  • Flynn is wearing a t-shirt that looks untidy at the bottom. this can show us that he is dressed by someone else who doesn't pay attention to how the outfit looks and just throws it on.
camera angles, movements, shot and composition:
  • There is a wide angle shot used in this scene. this makes it so that we can see the boys mocking Flynn from behind and we can see how the parents and Flynn react.
  • There is a pan shot paced quite quickly between the parents showing us there facial expression to what is going on behind them.
  • A low angle shot is used when Flynn's mum is telling her son not to react. This makes her seem higher up with being the bigger person and not reacting the comments made.  
  • Throughout this scene, you can here Flynn's mum taking to him in a patronising tone. This shows that he is being treated as a lower status, almost like a child in thinking that he cant make an easy decision like this himself.  
  • Constant laughter is present in this scene as they mock Flynn for having a disability.  
The scene its self is quite quiet on a whole until the dad decides to do something about the boys mocking his son. During this section music plays intensely to increase tension between everyone.


  • Many jump shots are used here. this adds to that tension this is causing and makes it seem like there is more going on then there is.
  • cross cutting is used to show us closely how the boys are mocking Flynn.  

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Why did Ex Machina succeed at the box office.

Why did Ex Machina succeed at the box office.

Ex Machina is a science fiction thriller about a programmer who is asked to help his employer administer the Turing test to an android with artificial intelligence. The film had elements of romance in it, such as the way one of the male characters (Caleb) feels for the main female characters (Ava) as well as heart break at the end when Caleb is left locked in a room he can not escape from. Even though this film was very successful for a British film (having a $15 million budget and reaching £36.9 million box office), many people argue that the film wasn't very good and it shouldn't have been as successful due to its lack of obedience to Mark Kermode's rule for a blockbuster film. This was because it lacked all aspects of a Hollywood film. some of these areas are; No CGI, little action, very few actors and it was very slow with a hard story to follow. However, it did make a $21 million profit. This film was aimed at a specific target group which was people who like sci-fi themed films and with little action. Ex Machina contained full frontal nudity which is strange for a 15 rated film. The reason this was allowed was because it wasn't in a sexual way but in an almost disturbing way. As the film did contain nudity and a small violent scene it meant that it could not be shown to people under the age of 15. this means that it wasn't a four quadrant film, loosing views. They could have made this film a four quadrant film by taking out all the violent scenes and nudity and only putting them on a DVD to sell separately. The reason that this film did so well considering these things is that it is unusual and there are only very few other films that are similar- 'AI', '2001' and 'blade runner'.
The film was marketed using viral marketing which meant that they lost no money through this process. The way they did this was by making a fake tinder profile that people in Texas would speak to online. when it was found out that the person wasn't real and in fact an AI, it caused a lot of up-rise with in the media, causing almost every one in the area to see. Making free marketing for the film- very clever. This actually related very well to the plot of the film because both are about proving that an AI could be confused  It was also marketed using posters, a trailer and through websites. They also saved money in this film by only used 2 locations in the entire film, Nathan's house is Norway and Caleb's office in London. Nathans house was in such a secure place which shows us how big of a secret this was, it is also an attempt to amaze the audience with all the technology. Another way they saved money was by not using CGI. They filmed Ava's robotic body by shooting each scene twice, once with Ava in it and the other without her, this was they could remove her torso and arms and still be able to see through her. They did this by 'penciling in' her torso, arms and legs to look robtic, which was probably very time consuming.

The film was made by Film 4, DNA films, Scott Rudin productions and Universal studios. All these companies have previously made huge films such as 'slum dog millionaire' from film 4, '28 days later' from DNA films and 'the girl with the dragon tattoo' from Scott Rudin productions. Universal studios have almost 200 successful films such as 'pitch perfect' and some of the fast and furious films. These make a large amount of profit, anywhere between $62.9 million and $1.512 billion. As universal studios where the part of it, this had a massive impact on making the film a success at the box office, as well as being responsible for getting it onto screens. It had a running time of 108 minutes and was in cinemas for 2 months. In the USA the film was originally shown in 4 cinemas on April 12th 2015 then increased largely to 1200 on April 24th then lastly to 2000. This is due to how the film was marketed, people had either witnessed the 'Ava tinder' experience or heard about it which got them interested. Ex Machina was produced by three people; Andrew McDonald- who is the founder of DNA films, Allon Reich and Alex Garland. Alex Garland also was the director of the film and the screen writer. This was his first time directing a film, but However, he had previously directed screen plays such as 28 days later and has written 3 novels; 'The coma', 'The beach' and 'The Tesseract'.

In the entire film there was only 7 actors. The main characters where Oscar Issac as Nathan, Domhnall Gleeson as Caleb, Alicia Vikanar as Ava and Sonoya Mizuno as Kyoko. None of these actors are known as of yet but Oscar Isaac and Domhnall Gleeson will be in the new star wars film in 2015- Star wars; Force awakens. Both Alicia Vikanar and Sonoya Mizuno where originally dancers and had trained at the royal ballet school. The film was released on January 21st in the UK  and April 10th in the US 2015 about the time the avengers was released. This was really cleverly done because releasing it when they did meant that a lot of people would be more interested in it as they are aimed at a similar target audience. When people stopped going to see the avengers then it was more of an opportunity for Ex Machina to get views.

In my opinion Ex Machina is a good film. I think it had a good story line, the script was really well written- thanks to Alex Garland, and the actors where really well casted, Each actor was perfect for their part. I think that this film was only a success because of these reasons and would have been completely different if it was a Hollywood film. However, i think the ending could've been better as it didn't give the audience any closure and left us thinking 'what happens next?'.

Thursday, 8 October 2015


Skins opening scene- Tony

.wants to show off/ look good- the mini montage of a workout then he poses in the mirror. 
.clean face, un-messy hair and pristine sheets.
.he knows what he's doing- he does things with out hesitation.  
.relationship with his dad- he knows how to push his dads buttons, Tony is in charge.
.tidy room- unstereotypical for a boy.
.there are 2 sides to him- only half of his face is lit.
.OCD- everything in his room is really neat and tidy, including his clothes.
.woke up before alarm- he's prepared and has a routine.
.nausea book- intellectual and prestigious. 
.clothes are plain and stylish- he's different so he stands out and his style fits in with all eras. 
.plain hair cut.
.unusual movie posters.

interior setting:
.job related objects
.bland colours/unstereotypical woman's house
.high up
exterior setting:
.busy roads
.they appear insignificant
.grey coat
.shirt and tie
.smart/ casual
.neat hair
.noticeable makeup
.high heels

.shes in charge, she never breaks eye contact and he feels awkward around her.

Monday, 28 September 2015

documentary research and script.

Documentary research.

film- frozen

is the film an original idea, a remake, a sequal or an adaptation (or a combination)?  inspired by Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale 'the snow queen'
director- Chris buck and Jennifer lee.
which studio(s) are making the film?- walt disney animation.
budget- $150 million
which 'stars' signed up to be in the film? kristen bell anna, idena menzel as elsa and  Josh Gad as olaf.
 how was it filmed? CGI
problems it faced- because it was a cgi film, there where many time consuming tasks. for example, the team had to design 200 unique snowflakes. Another challenge that the studio had to face was to deliver shots of heavy and deep snow that both interacted believably with characters and had a realistic sticky quality.
was 3D added AFTER filming? yes.
marketing- posters in cinemas, TV adverts, trailers, online adverts, a song was released from the show by demi lovato before the release of the film.
special effects- the entire film was CGI so all effects that where needed where CGI to.
premier-  El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, on November 19th 2013.
rotten tomatoes rated it 7.7/10- 89%
the film took 5 years to make.


Frozen is a walt disney animation blockbuster film directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. it is based on Hans Christian Andersons's fairy tail 'the snow queen'. it was voted number 3 on the top grossing films in 2013 with $410million dollars and a budget of $150 million dollars. rotten tomatoes gave it a rating of 7.7/10 which is 89%. The film was made at the Disney studio headquarters in California, America and stared Idena Menzel as Elsa, who has also been in the disney film Hercules, Kristen bell as anna, who was a voice in astro boy and Josh Gad as olaf, who was a voive in ice age continental drift. the entire film is CGI which included all special effects. This was a problem because it makes it very time consuming. they had to design 200 unique snowflakes and try to deliver shots of heavy and deep snow that seemed realistic. the film was also made into 3D after it had been filmed. the film was marketed in the following ways; posters in the cinemas, TV adverts, trailers, online adverts, and a song was released from the film by demi lavoto before the film was released. The film itself took 5 years to get from just an idea to the premier at El capitan theatre in hollywood on the 19th of novemeber 2013. it has been said that frozen 2 will be released after 2018.

American Influence
1: It was made so cinematographers from around the world could go there to find out about all of Sony’s latest products and cameras that are used in the rising UK film industry. Pinewood has created lots of courses and classes to help up and coming filmographers to achieve success, these courses not only provide theory lessons but also have a lot of hands on experience with the newest top of the range Sony equipment available.
2: This could majorly benefit the British film industry because it teaches and inspires a lot of new students and adults to take part in film making. This also helps the British film industry because the better equipment the industry has and the better people know how to use them then the programmers will also get better.

3: This is the first open facility of its kind.

4: There were 17 films that were shot by the Sony CineAlta F65. This information was gathered from:

5: Blockbuster has lost a lot of sales due to VOD. being able to watch movies online for free rather then paying to rent.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

self representation.

I think that I belong in the 'Alt' group. this is because  listen to different music then the majority and dress with a different fashion. I listen to more hardcore and punk music.

Taylor Momsen is one celebrity figure that i would identify with. This is because I love her music and inspire from her style. I use pictures of her to get inspiration for outfits.

Andy Biersack is another musician that i like. The reason for this is because he and his band 'Back veil brides' make really inspirational music and his quote 'stand for what you believe in even if it means standing alone' is something that I live to.

Taylor Momsen.

Andy Biersack.